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in der Galerie Alte Meister

Am letzten Freitag sind wir in der Galerie Alte Meister gegangen. Da gibt es viele Gemälde, die von sehr bekannten Maler gemalt werden. Ich bin fast sechs Stunden in der Galerie gewesen und habe schöne Gemälde und Skulpturen gesehen. Einige Aufgaben werden von unserer Lehrerin zu uns gegeben, deshalb haben wir in ein paar Zimmer auf dem Boden gesessen und unsere Aufgaben geschrieben. Später sind Daniel und ich zu den anderen Museen gegangen. Wir haben bunte und edele Porzellan gesehen. Am liebsten habe ich diesen Porzellanblumenstrauß.
Flower bouquet made entirely of porcelain
Trotz wir viele Stunden in der Galerie hatten, beendete ich nicht meine Aufgaben, weil ich auch die anderen Gemälde genießen wollte. Interessante waren die Änderungen der Frauenbilder von Zeit zu Zeit. Viele über die Geschichte der Frauenbilder lernte ich.

Last Friday we went to the Museum Gallery of the Old Masters - many paintings from well-known artists are displayed there. I was there for almost six hours, looking at beautiful paintings and sculptures. (Going in, I had thought that we wouldn't be allowed to take pictures, so I do not have many of the gallery - but it is worth looking up. Dresden is known as a cultural center for a reason.) We were given some work from our German teacher since we replaced a day of classes with the trip. Sitting on floors and leather couches, we worked on our packet. Daniel and I decided to go to the other museums in the Zwinger; there is a mathematics and science museum in another wing of the building, as well as August the Strong's porcelain collection. My favorite part there was the porcelain flower bouquet (of course), shown here.

Even though we spent so many hours in the gallery, I wasn't able to finish my work because I wanted to enjoy the other artwork, too. I found very interesting the changing depictions of women as the time periods modernized. In older art, women were seen as serene figures of beauty - but their outward appearances more closely reflected reality when compared to later works. Eventually figures became oddly proportioned and serenity seemed to transform into blank, doll-like, nearly identical faces. Spots of character later cropped up as women were presented as having trades, such as one painting which involved a woman selling poultry. I really enjoyed observing these changes.

Wichtige Tage

1. Juni 

Flug nach Deutschland 



7. Juni

Ankunft in Dresden


12. Juni

Klassen fangen an

4. August

Klassen vorbei sind

17. August

Flug nach Amerika


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